Eight potentially popular policies for Labour that could help to reconnect them with the average voter.

Robert Coster
3 min readMay 27, 2021

Labour need to get their act together and find a set of crowd-pleasing policies that get them noticed without committing to spending a huge and unrealistic amount of taxpayers money. These are my 8 potential ideas:

1 — Reform MP expenses and salaries

Parliament to pay for MP constituency offices directly and at a fixed rate based on the population of a local area.

All staff employed by MP’s to be directly employed by parliament instead of by the MP.

A total ban on the employment of family members of an MP.

All monies paid to an MP for the purchase of a second home to be recoverable via a charge on the property when sold.

A ban on renting property for MP’s. If an MP cannot afford to purchase a second property then parliament would purchase one for its estate. All properties purchased to be owned and managed by Parliament.

Link MP salary to a multiple of the average UK wage with any rise in future salary linked the UK economic prosperity.

2 — Reform the BBC

End of the license fee by next renewal.

Create a new public service broadcasting fund with a levy on TV purchase, broadband and mobile phone usage, sale of radio spectrum etc. The BBC to receive a percentage of this fund annually.

The BBC to be given a future guarantee of independence and regulated by a cross-party committee of Parliament which would be neutral in nature (1 member from each party represented in Parliament).

Allow other broadcasters able to apply for funding for public service broadcasting projects.

An independent organisation to monitor BBC news and current affairs output for bias with the ability to take action if found.

3 — Reform of UK TV broadcast rights

All televised games in any sport to be made available by rights owners free to view on terrestrial tv networks within 3 days of the date of the first broadcast.

4 — Support and underwrite fan takeovers of football clubs

Fan organisations to be given underwriting guarantees by the government in order to take a majority shareholding in sporting clubs where they can demonstrate the support of a majority of fans and have a sound business model.

5 — Reform of UK media ownership rules

Ban the ownership of UK media organisations by any foreign-based or non-dom entity.

6 — Strengthen the offence of Misconduct in Public Office to cover a new offence of Lying and of Spreading Misinformation.

An independent panel to be able to refer politicians to the police for charges if they lie or spread misinformation and refuse to correct the record or repeat the offence without correction.

7 — Total ban on foreign money in UK politics

A total ban on any donation or funding of think tanks or other entities by foreign-based individuals, organisations or non-doms.

8 — Citizen’s parliaments to discuss contentious issues

Citizens from around the UK to meet regularly to discuss contentious issues and help the government formulate policy. Issues discussed could be wide-ranging and controversial.



Robert Coster

Web Developer using #php, #node and other open source web platforms. i like to say stuff on politics as well.