Empowering the Electorate: A Proposal for Early General Elections in the UK

Robert Coster
3 min readJun 18, 2023


The foundation of democracy lies in the power of the people to shape the course of their nation. However, there are times when governments fail to serve the interests of the citizens, leading to widespread dissatisfaction. To safeguard democracy and prevent prolonged governance by an unpopular administration, it is essential to establish a mechanism that allows the electorate to express their disapproval and initiate an early general election. This article presents a multi-step proposal aimed at ensuring that governments are held accountable and regularly subjected to the judgement of the people.

  1. Assessing Local Election Results

In the United Kingdom, local elections are held annually in May, offering an opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions at the grassroots level. By analyzing the outcome of these elections, it becomes possible to gauge public sentiment toward the ruling party. Under this proposal, a calculation would be made each year to determine the percentage of seats lost by the governing party. If this figure exceeds a predetermined threshold, such as 10–20%, the government would automatically be subject to the next step.

2. UK Wide Opinion Polling

Within six months of the local elections, a series of constituency-level detailed opinion polls (MRP) would be commissioned. These polls would aim to capture the voting intentions of the public if a general election were to be held. By aggregating the results and calculating the average, it becomes possible to gauge the level of public support for the ruling party. Should the average indicate that the government is trailing by more than 10–20%, it would trigger the next stage of the process.

3. The People’s Decision

During the subsequent May local elections, an additional ballot paper would be provided to voters. This ballot paper would pose a simple question: “Should the current government call a general election within the next 6 months?” By allowing citizens to directly express their opinion on whether an early general election should be called, this step empowers the electorate to influence the nation’s political direction.

If the majority of respondents indicate their desire for a general election, the government would be compelled to honor their choice within six months. This decision would prompt the ruling party to submit themselves to the judgment of the people, effectively providing a mechanism to reset the political landscape and ensure that the government remains accountable to its citizens.

Safeguarding Democracy and Preventing Abuse

It is important to recognize that this proposal is designed to protect the democratic process and prevent the abuse of power. By incorporating multiple steps and requiring significant indicators of public dissatisfaction, the system guards against knee-jerk reactions to temporary unpopularity. The proposal ensures that only governments facing sustained decline in public support would be subjected to the early general election process.


The proposal outlined in this article represents an opportunity to enhance democracy in the United Kingdom. By providing a method for the electorate to register their disapproval and initiate an early general election, the proposal ensures that governments remain accountable to the people they serve. Through a multi-step approach involving local election results, opinion polls, and direct input from citizens, this system empowers the electorate and strengthens the foundations of democracy. Ultimately, it is through such mechanisms that the UK can avoid the pitfalls of prolonged governance by unpopular administrations and forge a path towards a more responsive and representative government.



Robert Coster

Web Developer using #php, #node and other open source web platforms. i like to say stuff on politics as well.